When It Rains: New Witness Backs R. Kelly Sexual Misconduct Claims

R Kelly TP/2 Tour

Source: Tim Mosenfelder / Getty

A new witness has come forth in connection to claims made by a pair of women who say they were sexually assaulted by R. Kelly back in 1995. A woman who says she saw the pair in a hotel lobby after the alleged incident in Maryland and was inspired to speak out after the women recently held a news conference.

TMZ reports:

Gloria Allred tells TMZ … a woman has come forward with details that support the claims Latresa Scaff and Rochelle Washington — Allred’s clients — made about Kelly attacking them after a Baltimore concert in 1995.

As we reported, Latresa and Rochelle claim R. Kelly picked them out of the crowd, plied them with drugs and alcohol, invited them to his hotel room and had sex with Latresa without her consent. Both women were minors at the time.

We’re told the witness — who is going only by her first name, Sabrina — says she saw Latresa and Rochelle in the hotel lobby the night of the alleged incident. She says she noticed Latresa bent over in pain getting out of the hotel elevator.

The three women recently met with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York. and all gathered in Maryland on Thursday (March 7) with a reporter in the state according to the outlet.


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