Video: H.E.R. – ‘Hard Place’

After her two Grammy wins and stellar Coachella performance, H.E.R. continues her incredible year with the video for “Hard Place.”

The autobiographical clip documents the relationship between H.E.R. and her boyfriend Leo, two aspiring musicians. After a joint gig, a label rep tries to sign H.E.R., which creates tension in the relationship. But Leo tells her to take the call and she eventually becomes the successful solo artist known as H.E.R., playing to packed crowds at arenas while he is left with small club gigs. They try to support each other, but the fame and success tests their relationship.

“What if nothing ever will change / I’m caught between your love and a hard place,” sings H.E.R.

“Hard Place” can be found on H.E.R.’s November EP I Used to Know Her: Part 2.


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