The long-running animated series The Simpsons has a number of classic episodes that fans have flocked to over the years, including one that included the vocal talents of Michael Jackson. The show has decided to pull the episode from future reruns due to the allegations raised in the recently aired Leaving Neverland documentary.
The Blast reports:
Speaking with the Wall Street Journal, James L. Brooks said of the decision, “It feels clearly like the only choice to make.”
He added, “I’m against book burning of any kind. But this is our book, and we’re allowed to take out a chapter.”
The episode aired on September 19, 1991 and is generally considered to be one of the most memorable in the show’s legendary run. Jackson voiced Leon Kompowsky but was not credited at the time due to contractual reasons.
Jackson’s character was a large white man who was a patient at a mental hospital who believed he was Michael Jackson.
The Simpsons takedown is just the latest in a series of entities distancing themselves from the late singer.
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