Tag Archives: KeKe

Actor Sarunas Jackson Seeks Restraining Orders Against Keke Palmer and Her Mother

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Sarunas Jackson, known for his role in HBO’s “Insecure” and brother of KeKe Palmer’s ex-boyfriend Darius Jackson, has filed for restraining orders against the actress and her mother, Sharon Palmer. This legal action brings a new development in the ongoing dispute involving Keke Palmer, her ex-boyfriend Darius Jackson, and now his family.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Sarunas Jackson has accused Keke Palmer and her mother of harassment, leading him to request temporary restraining orders for protection. The request extends not just to himself, but also to his parents and his brother — although notably, not including Darius.

In the filing, Sarunas alleges that Keke Palmer made false claims against him. He states, “She has made foul claims that I have sexual abuse claims on me when I do not. I have never done such a thing. She has gone to the media & has used her celebrity to publicly lie on my family and myself, which has resulted in death threats by the public.” He claims to possess emails that support his allegations of false claims made by Keke, which have led to disturbing incidents, including strangers banging on their door.

Sarunas also accuses Keke Palmer of stalking and harassing his friends and family on social media, causing career damage, and attempting to lure people close to him into a web of lies. He is seeking a court order to keep Keke Palmer at least 150 yards away from himself, his family, his home, and his workplace, and to prevent her from speaking publicly or privately about him or his family.

In addition to the allegations against Keke Palmer, Sarunas Jackson has also filed a restraining order against her mother, Sharon Palmer. He claims that Sharon has made threats involving shooting and rape against his family, and that he has audio recordings to substantiate these allegations. Sarunas states, “She threatened to put a bullet in my brother’s head and said to me and my family, ‘We don’t know who we are dealing with.’ She also threatened to have us raped.” He seeks similar restraining conditions against Sharon Palmer as those requested against Keke.

This legal action follows a month after Darius Jackson, Sarunas’ brother, filed a request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Keke Palmer, alleging that she was the “primary aggressor” in their relationship.

The situation has now been placed in the hands of an L.A. County Court judge, who will determine the outcome of these restraining order requests.


The post Actor Sarunas Jackson Seeks Restraining Orders Against Keke Palmer and Her Mother first appeared on The Source.

The post Actor Sarunas Jackson Seeks Restraining Orders Against Keke Palmer and Her Mother appeared first on The Source.

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KeKe Palmer’s Ex-Boyfriend Reveals More Shocking Allegations in Bid to Dismiss Restraining Order


In a shocking turn of events, Darius Jackson, the father of KeKe Palmer’s son, has submitted disturbing details of alleged abuse and toxic behavior as part of his efforts to have a restraining order issued against him dismissed. Radar Online exclusively obtained a declaration filed by Jackson, shedding light on a tumultuous relationship that has recently taken a legal turn.

The saga began when KeKe Palmer secured a temporary restraining order against Darius Jackson, mandating him to stay 100 yards away from her and their son, Leo. This order came after KeKe claimed to have broken off the relationship with Jackson in October 2023, citing a disturbing incident where he allegedly showed up at her home demanding to see their child.

According to KeKe’s account, a heated argument ensued, during which Jackson allegedly lunged at her, grabbing her neck and face, before knocking her backward over a couch, stealing her phone, and fleeing the scene. The actress also detailed a separate incident in February 2020, accusing Jackson of physical assault over a disagreement about a bikini photo.

However, Jackson is now fighting back, offering a different narrative in his declaration. He claims that KeKe was the aggressor in their relationship, often becoming verbally and physically abusive, particularly after consuming alcohol. To support his case, Jackson submitted shocking evidence, including photographs of bruises he allegedly sustained from Palmer during moments of aggression.

In the court documents, Jackson alleges that on August 20, 2021, KeKe punched him in the face. He provided a text message as evidence, wherein KeKe purportedly apologizes for the violent act. Additionally, Jackson revealed a barrage of communication from Palmer, asserting that on November 17, 2021, she called him over 200 times and sent over 50 emails after he expressed his intention not to spend the night with her.

The series of incidents presented by Jackson also includes an accusation that Palmer punched the windshield of his car in January 2022 during an argument while he was driving. Surprisingly, Jackson claims that KeKe not only paid for the windshield replacement but also submitted proof of transferring the money to him.

The legal battle is set to continue with the next scheduled hearing, where KeKe Palmer will have an opportunity to argue for the permanence of the restraining order. As the intricate details of this high-profile dispute unfold, it casts a stark light on the complexities of personal relationships, emphasizing the importance of addressing issues of abuse and toxic behavior.

The post KeKe Palmer’s Ex-Boyfriend Reveals More Shocking Allegations in Bid to Dismiss Restraining Order first appeared on The Source.

The post KeKe Palmer’s Ex-Boyfriend Reveals More Shocking Allegations in Bid to Dismiss Restraining Order appeared first on The Source.

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