Tag Archives: Judge Glanville

Young Thug YSL RICO Trial Delayed Indefinitely Amid Judge Controversy

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Several reports have confirmed that the Young Thug YSL Trial has been indefinitely delayed due to drama involving Judge Ural Glanville, who is now trying to excuse himself from the case.

Due to the secret meeting between the judge, a witness, and prosecutors, the trial has stopped, and it will be determined whether Judge Glanville acted inappropriately.

Glanville agreed that the trial would not proceed until another judge decided whether he should recuse himself from it over his alleged misconduct.

The Fulton County judge got into a publicized argument with Thug’s attorney, Brian Steel, over the meeting with witness Kenneth Copeland, which Steel said was unconstitutional.

Glanville has now agreed to make the transcripts from his meeting with the witness and prosecutors public.

Steel recently filed a motion to dismiss Glanville from the trial, alleging he had an “unlawful, improper ex parte meeting” with Copeland who had previously been granted immunity by the prosecution in exchange for his testimony.

Steel claims that he and Thug received no notice of the meeting and that it violated the rapper’s “constitutional and statutory rights, including the right to due process, a fair trial, a fair tribunal, ethical prosecutors and the right to be present at every critical stage of the proceedings under the Georgia Constitution.”

The post Young Thug YSL RICO Trial Delayed Indefinitely Amid Judge Controversy first appeared on The Source.

The post Young Thug YSL RICO Trial Delayed Indefinitely Amid Judge Controversy appeared first on The Source.

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THE YSL TRIAL: Judge in YSL Trial Requests Media Restraint Amidst Juror Privacy Concerns

Here Comes the Judge: Meet Ural D. Glanville, the Judge in Charge of the Young Thug/YSL Case

In a surprising turn of events, Judge Ural Glanville, presiding over the Young Thug YSL (Young Stoner Life) RICO trial, has asked media outlets not to record or share images from the trial after photos of jurors surfaced online. The move comes as a response to growing concerns about the potential impact on the jurors’ privacy and the overall integrity of the trial.

The high-profile RICO trial, which involves several members of the YSL collective, including the iconic rapper Young Thug, has been closely followed by fans and media alike. However, the recent incident involving the exposure of juror identities has prompted Judge Glanville to reevaluate the level of media access to the proceedings.

The controversy erupted when images of jurors participating in the trial were circulated on various social media platforms, raising questions about the potential influence on the jurors’ impartiality and safety. The judge, known for maintaining a strict and fair courtroom, expressed deep concern over the breach of juror privacy.

In a rare move, Judge Glanville addressed the media directly, urging them to exercise caution and responsibility in their trial coverage. The concern is about the potential impact on the current case and the precedent it could set for future trials. He emphasized the importance of safeguarding the judicial process and ensuring that jurors feel protected from undue outside influence.

Legal experts weigh the judge’s decision, noting that protecting juror privacy is paramount to maintaining a fair and unbiased trial. In high-profile cases like this, where public interest is intense, the risk of juror intimidation or tampering becomes a significant concern. By limiting media coverage, the judge aims to create a more controlled environment that prioritizes the jurors’ safety and impartiality.

Young Thug’s legal team has refrained from commenting on the incident, focusing on the ongoing proceedings. The rapper, whose real name is Jeffery Lamar Williams, faces charges related to racketeering and other criminal activities allegedly tied to the YSL collective. The trial, which has already seen its fair share of legal twists and turns, is expected to continue for several weeks.

While expressing their commitment to transparent reporting, media outlets are grappling with the delicate balance between informing the public and respecting the privacy of those involved in the trial. The Judge’s request adds a layer of complexity to the already intricate dynamics of high-profile court cases. It underscores the challenges faced by both the legal system and the media in the age of instantaneous information dissemination.

As the trial unfolds, the judge’s decision to limit media recording and sharing serves as a reminder that, even in the age of digital transparency, certain aspects of the judicial process must be carefully guarded to ensure a fair and just outcome.

The post THE YSL TRIAL: Judge in YSL Trial Requests Media Restraint Amidst Juror Privacy Concerns first appeared on The Source.

The post THE YSL TRIAL: Judge in YSL Trial Requests Media Restraint Amidst Juror Privacy Concerns appeared first on The Source.

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