Tag Archives: hakeem jeffries

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Quotes Biggie During Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial

Senate Impeachment Trial Of President Donald Trump Begins

Source: Handout / Getty

Yesterday (Jan. 21) the historic impeachment trial of Putin’s (alleged) plant, Donald Trump, began in the senate and while Republicans went above and beyond the call of duty to cover-up the crimes of Cheeto Jesus, Democratic representative Hakeem Jeffries took the time to let everyone know that Brooklyn was definitely in the house.

After hours and hours of factual statements from democrats and lies from Trump’s lawyers, it was Jeffries turn to respond to make the case for Trump’s impeachment. After breaking down how Donald Trump had abused his power and why it was wrong, the representative from the 8th congressional district of New York City took aim at Trump’s legal counsel Jay Sekulow who questioned why anyone was even there in the first place.

It was then that our new favorite democratic politician from Noo Yawk took it upon himself to layeth the smacketh down on Trump’s lawyer while tapping into his Kings County roots and invoking the spirit of The Notorious B.I.G into the proceedings.

“We are here, sir, because President Trump pressured a foreign government to target an American citizen for political and personal gain… We are here, sir, because President Trump abused his power and then he tried to cover it up. And we are here, sir, to follow the facts, follow the law, be guided by the Constitution, and present the truth to the American people. That is why we are here, Mr. Sekulow… And if you don’t know, now you know.”

*Mic. Drop*

Peep his speech with the “Juicy” backdrop below and enjoy the moment. We know we did.

Source: HipHopWired.com

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TODAY! Meek Mill, Van Jones, Headline Hakeem Jeffries Congressional Black Caucus Forum On Criminal Justice And Music In Washington D.C.

Today at 2:00 p.m., U.S. Representative Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08), in coordination with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, will host a panel discussion on music, criminal justice and racial equality featuring activist and platinum rapper Meek Mill, author and CNN host Van Jones, author and professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Universal Music group general counsel Jeffrey Harleston and University of Maryland, Baltimore County professor Michelle R. Scott.

African Americans have historically used music as an expression of perseverance and an avenue to address pressing social justice issues in America. This panel will explore the complexities of music and social justice in America, illuminate the supportive influence of modern-day musicians on activism and discuss ways that artists can produce popular and politically engaged music.

There is a livestream link available HERE courtesy of Ebony Magazine.

The post TODAY! Meek Mill, Van Jones, Headline Hakeem Jeffries Congressional Black Caucus Forum On Criminal Justice And Music In Washington D.C. appeared first on The Source.

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