Tag Archives: Gloria Govan

Matt Barnes Wants Gloria Govan’s Child Support Lowered Because Of Dirty Mack Derek Fisher

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Matt Barnes and Gloria Govan have been locked in an ongoing battle of wills over their long-ended marriage and child support arrangements for some time now. Now, the retired NBA player wants to have his child support payments because of the dirty mack specialist, Derek Fisher.

The Blast reports:

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Barnes is trying to get to the bottom of Govan’s financial situation and claims she has been less than forthcoming about how she gets by.

Barnes’ attorneys claim Govan’s last income and expense declaration stated she was not employed but received $1,250 in monthly income. Even more confusing, she lists $19,338 in monthly expenses.

The attorneys argue that Govan has “failed to declare the amount [Derek Fisher] contributes to her monthly expenses.”

Over a month ago, Govan claimed that Barnes owed her $40,000 in back child support payments.

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Gloria Govan Says Ex Matt Barnes Owes Her $23K In Child Support

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The never-ending legal battle between Gloria Govan and Matt Barnes continues to rage on, this after the Basketball Wives star made new claims. Govan says that the former NBA player and father of her twin boys owes her $23 thousand in child support.

The Blast reports:

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Govan claims she has had custody of the couple’s twins for more than half the time the last few months. Their custody agreement only calls for her to have custody 29% of the time.

Govan says she understands that the child support she receives was cut from $20,000 to $7,500 a month back in November because of the reduction in custody she received. But she claims Barnes has not exercised custody in accordance with that deal.

The outlet adds that Govan stated that Barnes failed to pay her for November and December of last year and paid $3,750 for the month. They will face each other in court this month over the matter.

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Matt Barnes Gets Child Support Reduction, Still Hammering Out Details With Ex Gloria Govan

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Source: FayesVision/WENN.com / WENN

Matt Barnes has already claimed a manner of legal victory over his ex-wife Gloria Govan, and more good news for his side continue to pour in. A judge agreed to reduce Barnes’ $20,000 per month child support payments temporarily while the former couple works out details moving forward.

The Blast reports:

According to court documents, obtained by The Blast, the judge in the case between Barnes and “Basketball Wives” star Gloria Govan ruled in favor of the former NBA star on his request to lower support.

As we reported, Barnes was paying $20,000 per month to Govan for the ex-couple’s two sons, but Barnes claimed he couldn’t afford the hefty sum after retiring from professional basketball.

He had argued to lower the support to $7,500, which would make it only $3,750 per kid, and the judge agreed. Good news for Barnes, the judge signed off and gave him the exact amount he wanted.

The outlet adds that Barnes and his girlfriend, model Anansa Sims, welcomed a baby boy, Ashton, to the growing fold. Barnes and Govan are the parents of twin 10-year-old boys.

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Matt Barnes Wins Sole Custody Of Sons Over Gloria Govan

GQ's 2018 All-Stars Celebration - Arrivals

Source: FayesVision/WENN.com / WENN

The legal battle between former NBA player Matt Barnes and reality television actress Gloria Govan has been quite a bitter journey for the former married couple. This week, one issue that split the pair was settled when the courts awarded Barnes sole physical and legal custody of the pair’s twin boys.

TMZ reports:

The two have been at war for years — and today, Matt obtained an 18-month restraining order against Gloria claiming she’s a physical danger to him.

The restraining order was granted through May 2020 — but does not extend to the kids because the judge doesn’t believe Gloria poses a danger to them.

During Thursday’s hearing, the judge ruled Gloria will get regular visitation — including every other weekend from Friday until Monday morning. She is also allowed to have dinner with the kids every Wednesday evening.

The two are still working out the custody arrangements for the holidays including Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Years.

As part of Thursday’s hearing, the judge also ordered Govan to complete 26 sessions of anger management and 10 parenting classes.

Hopefully for the good of the children, Barnes and Govan can work out an effective way to co-parent. Barnes is also expecting a baby girl with his girlfriend and model Anansa Sims.

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Gloria Govan Scores Legal Win After Judge Denies Full Custody Of Children To Matt Barnes

Los Angeles premiere 'The Hangover Part III'

Source: Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.com / WENN

In the ongoing and increasingly bitter legal battle between retired NBA player Matt Barnes and his ex-wife Gloria Govan, a judge has given the reality show actress a mild win. Barnes has been attempting to get full custody of their twin boys, but that request was denied in court.

The Blast reports:

Attorneys for Barnes were in court today and claimed that Govan has violated a restraining order that is supposed to keep her 100 yeards away from Matt or the kids, except when she has monitored visitations. Our sources say one of the violations — Barnes claims there were four — occurred last week when Gloria showed up for the kids’ football game.

To support his claim, Barnes claims to have photos of Govan with the kids at the football game in violation of the order. He also claims that Govan texted and called the kids on Sunday about the upcoming hearing, also in violation of the order.

Barnes was asking a judge to rule that Govan not be allowed to see the children until a hearing about restraining order takes place.

The judge in the matter said on Monday (Oct. 15) sided with Govan’s legal team in saying that Barnes didn’t have enough evidence to support the request. The former couple is due to meet once again this month in court.

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Gloria Govan Requests Primary Custody Of Twins With Matt Barnes

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Source: Brian To/WENN.com / WENN

If there was any hope that the bitter post-divorce battle between Matt Barnes and Gloria Govan would come to a quiet end, think again. After Govan was arrested for felony charge endangerment, she and her legal team filed a request for her to gain primary custody of the former couple’s twin boys.

The Blast reports:

The “Basketball Wives” star filed the documents Wednesday, with her attorney Mark Gross, and argues that any “alleged danger to the children” stems from the conflict between Govan and Barnes, but explains that the ex-couple currently has a temporary restraining order in place to prevent any conflict.

Govan’s attorney also brings up the fact that she cannot argue her position in the custody battle because she is currently under criminal investigation for her felony child endangerment arrest earlier this month.

However, the reality star is asking the court to order custody back to her and put Barnes back on his previous visitation schedule.

As we reported, a judge recently ordered Govan to only get monitored visitation in 4-hour blocks and granted Barnes’ restraining order keeping her 100 yards away from him.

The outlet adds that part of why Govan is making this new motion is that she’s had two successful visits with her sons according to the monitor who oversaw the transfer. The request also suggests that primary custody should go to her as her boys get along with Derek Fisher’s children.

Govan and Barnes face each other in court today.

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Gloria Govan Accuses Matt Barnes Of Serving Her With Papers During Kid Exchange

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Source: FayesVision/WENN.com / WENN

The ongoing legal battle between Matt Barnes and Gloria Govan just added a new twist, this time with the reality television star taking strong action. Govan is accusing her ex-husband of attempting to serve her with lawsuit papers during an arranged custody change with their twin boys thus violating an agreement they made.

The Blast reports:

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Govan claims she was never properly served in the lawsuit and says she didn’t even know Barnes sued her until after a judge ruled by default in his favor. The former NBA star accused Govan, her brother Lonnie, and their parents of fraud and claims they embezzled $300k from him.

In her new filing, Govan is demanding the default order be vacated, saying she was never served with the legal docs. The process server claims he served her on June 10, 2018 but Govan has an entirely different account of their interaction.

She recalls the incident that went down on that date at a Starbucks in Encino, where she was meeting Barnes to exchange custody of their twin boys. Govan says she and Barnes had previously agreed to not bring their various disputes to the custody exchanges, saying it was to be a neutral site and that the twins should not be involved.

Barnes filed a $300,000 lawsuit against Govan and family members for allegedly forging his name for documents. A judge ruled in favor of Barnes already but Govan contends that she was never fully aware of the terms involving the suit. She is seeking to have the default judgment removed from the record.

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