Tag Archives: G-Rod

Machine Gun Kelly’s Team Wanted By Atlanta Cops

Machine Gun Kelly

Ohio rapper Machine Gun Kelly‘s entourage might want to stay away from Atlanta for a long, long, long time. New reports claim MGK’s camp has active warrants out for their arrest.

According to reports, ATL cops are on the prowl for Machine Gun Kelly’s crew weeks after a physical altercation went down with actor Gabriel “G-Rod” Rodriguez.

Sources close to the case tell TMZ … Atlanta PD has ID’d at least 3 individuals involved in the brutal beatdown of actor Gabriel “G-Rod” Rodriguez, and they’ve each been charged with misdemeanor battery. We’re told at least 2 of the crew members live outside the state, and Atlanta PD won’t spend resources to extradite the suspects … because they’re only charged with misdemeanors. (TMZ)

Back in mid-September, buzz developed about G-Rod rolling up on MGK in defense of the rapper’s rival Eminem.

In the video, obtained by TMZ, you see G-Rod point at MGK and say, “I’m gonna say it because it has to be said, you’re a p*ssy for going for family!” G-Rod tells us he was especially upset because he’s a husband and father of 3 kids. In the video, MGK appears to shove G-Rod and turn the phone away. The video stops there, but G-Rod says that’s when 5 of MGK’s bodyguards swooped in and, as he puts it, MGK suddenly got tough and started challenging him. G-Rod claims Kelly shoved him. He says the bar manager immediately sided with the celebrity … and kicked out G-Rod. (TMZ)

A few hours later, G-Rod and MGK’s bodyguards allegedly faced off outside of an Atlanta hotel.

G-Rod says he went into the hotel lobby and MGK continued jawing at him … with all his bodyguards standing around him. G-Rod, who’s a pretty big dude, says he told them he’d fight each of them — one at a time — if they wanted a fight. Instead, he says the bodyguards all jumped him at once. (TMZ)

The post Machine Gun Kelly’s Team Wanted By Atlanta Cops appeared first on SOHH.com.

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[Watch] Machine Gun Kelly Gets Into Brawl Over Eminem Diss

The video surveillance from the melee that took place in September between Machine Gun Kelly and actor G-Rod has been released.

On Wednesday (Oct 3), the hotel released the video to TMZ, which shows the confrontation at the hotel 2 hours later, and you see a member of Kelly’s posse run up behind G-Rod, put him in a bear hug, pick him up and body slam him. The fracas took place after G-Rod called the “Rap Devil” rapper a “p-ssy” over the 2014 comment he made to Eminem via Twitter calling the Detroit legend’s daughter “hot.”

G-Rod was badly injured but told the site that he will drop the criminal investigation he launched as well as a lawsuit if Machine Gun Kelly fights him in the Octagon.

After the release of the video, G-Rod had a few choice words for MGK and his crew.

“Real f**king manly of this BITCH!!! Tell him I’ll take him plus 1 of his goons to get him to my weight class!!! And I’ll drop all charges!!” MGP***Y.”

In other Machine Gun Kelly news, the rapper has put aside his industry beef to release a new single, “GTS (Going Thru Shit).” The single which is featured on the Binge EP, received a new visual directed by Jordan Wozy, showcase some telling visuals to match the song’s alarming lyrical content.

The video which seems to give you insight into what MGK maybe going through currently features the rapper bathing himself in a flickering green light, creating a hectic sense of urgency as Kelly stares at the camera, showcasing an open wound etched across his throat, bleeding freely.

Check out the video below.

The post [Watch] Machine Gun Kelly Gets Into Brawl Over Eminem Diss appeared first on The Source.

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