Tag Archives: Chris Hansen

Take A Seat…: ‘To Catch a Predator’ Host Chris Hansen Arrested For Bounced Checks

Build Presents Chris Hansen Discussing 'Crime Watch Daily'

Source: Mireya Acierto / Getty

Can’t say we saw this one coming. Chris Hansen, the famed host of To Catch A Predator, was arrested in Connecticut for bouncing checks. 

Reports TMZ:

The former host of “To Catch a Predator” was arrested Monday in Stamford for larceny. Cops say he failed to pay a local vendor nearly $13,000 for stuff he’d purchased in 2017 … and allegedly gave the guy the runaround with 2 bounced checks. 

According to Stamford PD, Chris bought 355 mugs, 288 t-shirts and 650 vinyl decals from a mom-and-pop shop in town for marketing events he planned to attend. The owner says the goods were delivered, but Chris bailed on his $12,998.05 tab.

The owner says after the first check bounced, he threatened to go to cops. Chris allegedly offered to make 4 partial payments, but the owner rejected that deal.

Chris then bounced a second check, and begged for more time. The owner claims Chris sent emails saying he was selling his boat to come up with the cash, but a check — a good one — never came … and a warrant was issued for Chris’ arrest.

Hansen reportedly turned himself in on Monday (Jan. 14).

Times must be hard for Chris, eh? A few years ago, he started a Kickstarter to bring back To Catch A Predator.

The struggle is real.

Photo: Stamford PD

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