T-Pain Sues Former Managers for Illegally Taking Commissions

T-Pain hit his former managers with a big lawsuit alleging that they illegally lifted commissions from his work for almost ten years. The “Buy You a Drink” crooner claims that he is owed over a million dollars in damages.

Chase Entertainment Corporation, signed T-Pain in 2005. For their services, he extended his contract with the firm for another five years in 2009. In exchange for their expertise in management, the talent agency charged T-Pain a 20 percent commission fee that would come from the proceeds of his music and his endorsement deals.

According to the court records, “a relationship developed in which Plaintiff placed his full faith and trust” in the managers, who “promised to protect him and advise his career decisions.”

In 2014, T-Pain relieved the management team from their duties when he discovered that the firm never had the proper license to legally represent him.

T-Pain is accusing Chase Management of “concealing from Plaintiff the true nature and details of the financial agreements related to his music career, including the income truly earned by him from his public performances and the necessary and proper expenses occurred in connection with same and marketing monies received by Defendant on behalf of Plaintiff’s career.”

Along with seeking $1 million dollars in damages, he is also asking for the full return of all commissions he paid since 2005.

The post T-Pain Sues Former Managers for Illegally Taking Commissions appeared first on The Source.

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