Potential Future President Kanye West Is Allegedly Going Through “A Serious Bipolar” Episode Right Now

Kanye West White House Donald Trump 2

Grammy-winning rapper Kanye West can’t keep the spotlight off himself these days. New reports claim the hip-hop superstar is possibly going through a “serious bipolar episode” just days after announcing his intent to run for the United States presidency.

Kanye x Bipolar

According to reports, Mr. West has people close around him concerned about his well-being. The rap entertainer – who has publicly embraced his bipolar condition and called it a super power – is going through one of his annual mental bouts.

Our Kanye sources tell us, he suffers a serious bout with his bipolar disorder, usually once a year … and our sources say Kanye’s in the midst of one now. Our sources say his family and those close to him are worried, but they believe things will stabilize as they have in the past. The problem here, we’re told — Kanye’s proclamations are causing problems. (TMZ)

High-Key Details

Yeezy went to his Twitter page this week with a very public stance centered on how he feels about abortion. West shared – then deleted – a religious tweet about the pregnancy operation preventing life.

“These souls deserve to live” -Kanye West’s Twitter

Wait, There’s More

In a new Forbes interview, Kanye shared his public opinion about abortion. West credited his religion for making him go against a woman’s right to choose.

“I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the Bible.” (Forbes)

Before You Go

This week, Planned Parenthood’s Director of Black Leadership and Engagement Nia Martin-Robinson spoke out against West. She took personal offense with West not supporting a woman’s right to choose.

“Black women are free to make our own decisions about our bodies and pregnancies, and want and deserve to have access to the best medical care available. Any insinuation that abortion is Black genocide is offensive and infantilising. The real threat to Black communities’ safety, health, and lives stems from lack of access to quality, affordable health care, police violence and the criminalisation of reproductive health care by anti-abortion opposition.” (TMZ)

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