Porsha Williams Files Emergency Motion To Film Inside Georgia Mansion

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In the ongoing saga of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” returning cast member Porsha Williams finds herself embroiled in a legal battle with her estranged husband, Simon Goubadia. The dispute centers around Porsha’s right to film inside the Georgia mansion they once shared, a critical component of her return to the Bravo reality series.

Cease and Desist: Simon’s Legal Threat

Back in March, Simon Goubadia sent a cease and desist letter to Bravo producers, threatening legal action if Porsha filmed within the mansion’s walls. Despite the fact that Porsha was awarded possession and sole exclusive use of the residence per their prenuptial agreement, Simon’s actions have complicated her plans to document her day-to-day life for the show.

Porsha’s Emergency Motion

In response, Porsha has filed an emergency motion, seeking judicial intervention to permit filming in the home. Documents obtained by RadarOnline.com reveal that Porsha argues her ability to film in the mansion is “vital to her ability to sustain her income and employment.”

“There is no logical or rational reason as to why Husband now seeks to prohibit Wife from filming at the marital residence, other than in an attempt to retaliate against Wife and intentionally restrict her ability to earn a living and expand her career,” Porsha states in her emergency order dated May 20.

Porsha underscores the impact of Simon’s actions on her career. She claims that due to Simon’s “aggressively litigious behavior,” Bravo and Truly Original Production, the company behind RHOA, have advised her they will not proceed with filming unless the matter is resolved. This situation jeopardizes her successful return to the series and her income.

Porsha also asserts that Simon’s true intent is to prevent the disclosure of sensitive, private, or personal information. She has offered to avoid filming in areas personal to Simon, such as his bathroom, closet, and office, but Simon has remained uncooperative.

The Stakes for Porsha

Porsha’s motion emphasizes the importance of filming in her home to portray a realistic view of her life, which is crucial for her role as a reality TV star. She argues that barring her from filming in the mansion is “neither reasonable, nor fair,” and significantly hampers her ability to earn a living.

The emergency motion demands that the court allow her to “film or produce television, film or social media or other visual content in or around the marital residence” immediately. As of now, the ruling on Porsha’s motion is pending. The outcome will determine whether she can film inside the mansion, a decision that will have significant implications for her career and her participation in “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.”

The post Porsha Williams Files Emergency Motion To Film Inside Georgia Mansion first appeared on The Source.

The post Porsha Williams Files Emergency Motion To Film Inside Georgia Mansion appeared first on The Source.

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