Misa Hylton Says She is ‘Heartbroken’ That Cassie ‘Must Relive the Horror of Her Abuse’

Misa Hylton Questions Diddy's "Act Bad" Behavior After Their Son Justin Combs is Arrested on DUI

Misa Hylton, the mother of Justin Combs, is speaking out against the video released by CNN showing Diddy assaulting Cassie.

On Instagram, Hylton wrote she is heartbroken, while also stating Diddy’s children are innocent of what is currently going on.

The post reads:

I am heartbroken that Cassie must relive the horror of her abuse, and my heart goes out to her. I know exactly how she feels, and through my empathy, it has triggered my own trauma.
These young people were raised by women that want the best for them – we put God and education first and have always been united in our mutual effort to support their dreams. Two of the youngest do not have their mother here and it has been our duty to support them.
Their father needs help and I am praying that he truly does the personal work and receives it.

You can see the post below.

Previously, Misa Hylton shared footage from the raid on one of Diddy’s homes, labeling the federal authorities as “overzealous” and “overly militarized.”

You can read her complete statement below:

The over zealous and overtly militarized force used against my sons Justin and Christian is deplorable. If these were the sons of a non-Black celebrity, they would not have been handled with the same aggression. The attempt to humiliate and terrorize these innocent young BLACK MEN is despicable!

Enough is Enough! Did Justin need several laser beams from firearms pointed at his chest?? Did Christian need a gun pointed at the back of his head while he was handcuffed??
How many times have we seen young UNARMED BLACK MEN not make it out of these types of situations alive??

My son’s Attorney Jeffrey Lichtman is investigating the excessive use of force which was unnecessary and certainly not required by this search warrant.
We will fight for justice utilizing every imaginable resource.
I’m not with the propaganda!!!!

The post Misa Hylton Says She is ‘Heartbroken’ That Cassie ‘Must Relive the Horror of Her Abuse’ first appeared on The Source.

The post Misa Hylton Says She is ‘Heartbroken’ That Cassie ‘Must Relive the Horror of Her Abuse’ appeared first on The Source.

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