Jussie Smollett’s Brother Comes To His Defense In Op-Ed For BET

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Source: Joseph Marzullo/WENN.com / WENN

Jussie Smollett’s brother is coming to his defense after the actor was accused of staging his own attack back in January. According to Jojo, who penned What If Jussie Smollett Is Telling The Truth? for BET, Jussie “didn’t even want to contact police” to begin with.

“He was weary and didn’t care for the unnecessary attention it might garner. His choreographer insisted, and the choreographer contacted the police himself,” Jojo wrote in the op-ed, also claiming Jussie is now suffering mentally. The Empire actor has since been acquitted but faces a civil lawsuit from the city of Chicago who claims he intentionally misled police.

“I WAS SHOCKED AT HOW EASILY easily everyone accepted the ridiculous motive about Jussie’s career that was promulgated. Jussie had actually begun directing episodes of Empire, which brought additional compensation. He worked out a deal with Fox to own 100% of his music masters, released an album, which lead to a sold out world tour and he donated every cent of ticket sales to charity,” he wrote. “He even signed the group, June’s Diary, to his label. My brother was developing two films with one of the biggest producers in Hollywood, had the lead to a Broadway show on the table and owns the option rights to the authorized autobiography of his idol, Alvin Ailey. All pointing to not only an advancing career but a business savvy mind. To suggest that he staged his own attack to boost a sagging career is ludicrous. Jussie has a team of extremely effective agents, managers, publicists, and attorneys who helped him acquire career advancement. He wouldn’t need to roll around on the icy ground of a Chicago street, staging an attack on himself to make this happen.”

Read the piece in full here and let us know where you stand.

Photo: WENN

Source: HipHopWired.com

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