Joey Batts Restores Nipsey Hussle Mural In CT After A Female Colonizer Defaced It

Nipsey Hussle

Source: Splash / Splash News

Over the weekend, the Hip-Hop community was up in arms when a video surfaced of a white woman known as Kaitlyn “Kay Kay” Renee defacing a spiffy Nipsey Hussle mural that went up at a skate park in Hartford, Connecticut. Aside from buffing the beautifully done artwork, she threw salt in the wound when she took some selfies of herself doing so as if she had accomplished some kind of personal feat.

Naturally after the outrage over the disrespect people began to threaten her life while others figured it was a publicity stunt for Survival Kustoms, and just summed it up to idiotic promotion. Since the video went viral Kay Kay responded to a few threats on her IG page with sarcasm before eventually deleting all of her accounts (smart move).

Looking to restore the mural that Corey Payne threw up to its former untouched glory, local rapper and artist Joey Batts decided to use his talents to restore what the white woman had destroyed.

“A couple of people got word of it and I just thought it was best to fix it” Batts told the videographer.

Looking to keep the goons off of Kay’s arse, Batts posted a pic of the fully restored mural while calling for peace in the streets.

“As a community we must band together and show negative forces that their idiotic acts and behavior will not be credited or allowed. “No violence is needed- we just have to reshape the culture. Don’t complain about the contamination in Hartford, or the bad vibes or the weirdos… just help build up the positive people and the real ones who deserve attention.”

Well said, sir. But don’t get it twisted, if these outsiders continue to disrespect our culture for “Likes” or out of plain old maliciousness, they’re bound to get dealt with regardless of what they think they can get away with in Trump’s Amerikkka.

Just saying.


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