Frank Ocean’s Coachella Set Sparked 491% Spike of ‘Coachella Refund’ Google Searches

Frank Ocean credit Andras Ladocsi

Following backlash over Frank Ocean’s Sunday night performance, global searches for “Coachella refund” increased by 491%, according to an analysis of Google search data.

Before Coachella’s second weekend, online searches for “Coachella refund” skyrocketed to almost five times the daily average volume, according to a recent discovery by This represents a significant increase in people searching for ways to receive compensation for their tickets. As many festival goers start to second-guess attending Coachella’s second weekend, searches for “sell Coachella tickets” also increased by 445% over the weekend.

After Frank Ocean, the Sunday night headliner, received negative feedback from festival-goers during the first weekend, searches have been conducted ahead of Coachella’s second weekend. Fans left disappointed despite Frank performed for fifteen minutes beyond his set time and performed over 20 songs.

A spokesperson for stated:

“Coachella festival is one of the most famous festivals in the world, with celebrities and music fans heading to the desert every April to see some of the most renowned musicians take to the stage.

The festival takes place over two weekends and after the heavy criticism that Frank Ocean’s set received, these findings suggest that many are looking to get their tickets refund as well as sell their ticket for the second weekend, whether this be out of disappointment or fear that Frank Ocean may pull out of performing altogether. It will be interesting to see if Frank Ocean does indeed perform this coming Sunday and if his set changes at all based on the reaction to the opening weekend show.”

One of those possibilities is true as Frank Ocean will not be back for the second run of Coachella. He will be replaced by the Rock group Blink 182.

Coachella released a statement regarding Ocean’s exit:

Frank Ocean will not be performing at weekend 2 of Coachella.

“After suffering an injury to his leg on festival grounds in the week leading up to weekend 1. Frank Ocean was unable to perform the intended show but was still intent on performing, and in 72 hours, the show was reworked out of necessity.

“On doctor’s advice, [Ocean] is not able to perform weekend 2 due to two fractures and a sprain in his left leg.”

Frank Ocean also added a statement. “It was chaotic. There is some beautiy in chaos. It isn’t what I intended to show but I did enjoy being out there and I’ll see you soon.”

The post Frank Ocean’s Coachella Set Sparked 491% Spike of ‘Coachella Refund’ Google Searches appeared first on The Source.

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