Chinx Murder Suspect Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter Seven Years After Arrest

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According to several reports, one of the two men who were accused of killing Lionel Pickens aka Chinx Drugz in 2015 has pleaded guilty to manslaughter and faces over twenty years behind bars.

Quincy Homere, 32, plead guilty in a New York City courtroom on Monday (July 15) to first degree manslaughter, which carries up to 25 years in prison in New York State.

Chinx’s widow, Janelli Caceres, told Fox 5 NY‘s Lisa Evers that she is grateful to the NYPD, the Queens DA and friends and fans for keeping his memory and his music legacy alive.

Homere and another suspect, Jamar Hill, were arrested and charged in 2017 with second-degree murder, second-degree attempted murder, first-degree assault, and second-degree criminal possession of a weapon.

According to New York Police lieutenant Richard Rudolph, the pair allegedly “hunted down Chinx like an animal”  over a dispute that arose while the rapper and Homere were both incarcerated at Riker’s Island in 2009.

The post Chinx Murder Suspect Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter Seven Years After Arrest first appeared on The Source.

The post Chinx Murder Suspect Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter Seven Years After Arrest appeared first on The Source.

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